Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Very Cute Baby, Very Cute Hat

Clara would win if we held a Cutest Baby In A Hat contest!  Baby Clara, visiting Powell River, had this hat especially designed and knit for her by "Empress of Hats" Lynda.

Laya, a midwife-in-training at UBC, brought Clara and her Mum here for a visit to spend some warm and fuzzy time with this area's mums, babies and community. Clara's parents are from Santiago, Chile, and are studying at UBC.

They came to Great Balls of Wool looking for a baby hat, but none were small enough for beautiful Clara.   Lynda said she probably had something at home that would fit and would bring it in for her to try the next morning...

Totally smitten by baby Clara, Lynda designed and knit this hat in ONE evening, and doesn't it fit her perfectly?  We feel fortunate to have been able to contribute to baby Clara's warm and fuzzy visit to this area!

(I love Clara's expression in this if she is thinking, "all right already, enough with the camera!")

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