Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Last Chance Sale Reminder

Remember....It's the LAST CHANCE SALE on Saturday, December 22 and Sunday, December 23 from 11 am - 4 pm. 

Come to the Loopy Lounge at the store and support local knitters and crocheters by attending the Last Chance Sale. Unique, One-of-a-Kind Specialty knit and crochet items made right here!  Original Hats, Socks, Scarves, Funky Tea Cozies and much more! 

If you are interested in selling woolly items, you have until December 17 to get in touch with Roisin. Please note that all items-for-sale must be made with yarn from Great Balls of Wool.

1 comment:

Roisin said...

Open on Mon 24th too