Friday, 9 January 2015

Jude Skeers Event - October 2015

Well, *this* is exciting! As readers of this blog know, Roisin is a friend of and collaborator with  Australian designer, artist and knitter, Jude Skeers. His true Moebius designs have been the basis for many beautiful items we've showed you photos of...some are reproduced below. And we've mentioned that he was coming here to Powell River--to Canada for the very first time, from October 16 until the first week in November.

And ta da! Here is the preliminary schedule. Do NOT delay expressing your intent to attend if you are interested as attendance in each class and workshop is quite small. Costs will be somewhere between $125 to $325 per class/workshop. Roisin is still working out details.

Friday 16th October - Jude arrives, meet and greet social afternoon/evening

Saturday 17th October - Knit your own Spider Web. Fun time, morning and afternoon session. 

Monday 19th October - Jude's Circular Shawl. One of his patterns which is an original design. For those wishing to take this workshop, Roisin will get you started with your cast-on prior to Jude's workshop.

Tuesday 20th October - Jude's Elizabeth Zimmerman Style Jacket, Children's or Adult Size.

Wednesday 21st October - Moebius Shoulder Wrap/Shawl
A pre-requisite for this workshop is taking one of Roisin's Moebius classes. For further information, get in touch with Roisin.

Thurs 22nd October - Stranding, Fair Isle techniques for Beanies, Toques, etc. Another specialty of Jude's.

Friday October 22nd, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th. A 3-day workshop learning to make Jude's wonderful creation, the Moebius Wrap/ Shawl. Samples of these are on display at Great Balls of Wool. This class will be limited to 5 participants and will be held at The Magical Dome in Lund. For more information on this, just ask Roisin.

For the week of Monday 26th October , classes will continue on the same schedule.

These classes and workshops are subject to change depending on number of participant
s--and updates will be provided as we have them. 

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