Thursday, 3 January 2013

January Classes Reminder

We have a jam-packed January of classes coming up...with more planned. Whether you are a beginner or not, crocheter or knitter, we have something to interest everyone. And if not...suggest a class! 
Classes not yet scheduled but if you're interested, get on the list.

- Moebius Anemone Hat - with Roisin
- Lynda's Slouch Hat
- Crochet Slippers with Marlaine
- Entrelac Scarf
- Knitted Felted Handbag

Please pre-register for scheduled classes, and plan on using yarn purchased at the store. All classes are in Loopy Lounge and are at least 2 classes in duration. Many thanks!

Monday January 7th, 2 - 4 pm:  Fingerless Gloves with Entrelac cuffs - with Marlaine

Tuesday January 8th, 10 - noon: No Sew Baby Hoodie - with Elly. 

Wednesday January 9th, 11 - 1 pm : Beginner's Knit, Continental style - with Roisin.

Wednesday January 9th, 1-3 pm: Knitted Felted Slippers - with Joanne.  
Thursday January 10, 6 pm - 7:30 pm:  Evening Drop-in. Learn to knit, start a project, read a pattern...or ?? $10. per eve. - with Marlaine.  Store will open late.

Friday January  11th, 1-3 pm - Crochet A Beanie - with Marlaine.  (A Regular crochet class will be starting soon).
This is not a beanie, but it is a crocheted hat by Marlaine!

Saturday January 12th, 10 a.m. - noon: Circular Shawl - Australian designer Jude Skeers' recently released pattern - with Roisin

Saturday January 19th, 1 - 3 pm : Baby Surprise Jacket - Elizabeth Zimmerman's  pattern made easy - with Lynda

Ongoing: Socks on 2 Circular Needles :   with Roisin every Tuesday afternoon 2-4 pm.  Start any Tuesday, and finish when your socks are done!

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