Friday, 5 January 2018

Friday Drop in and kittens!

Look at beautiful Isaiah in Roisin's Beibien Cocoon in a basket full of Beibien cocoons! He came to Thursday Night Knitting for Fun with Dierdre and Amy last night. Thursday night is kid friendly for all you Mom's who are longing to st*tch n b*tch! Bring your littles if you want... we usually have at least three littles on any given night. They play together happily.

And here is Belinda's Latest creation! It's a wee baby kitten taking a nap. Would you like to make one of your very own? Belinda is offering a class in doing just that! The class is on Friday January 26 from 10 am till noon. It is $30.00 and that covers all your supplies and instructions. 

Look at everyone kitting away happily together on Friday afternoon HELP! day. Petra is knitting on her Purl Piccadilly scarf...

isn't it gorgeous??? Look at that! Her knitting is always so gorgeous. So this is a good exapmple of one of the color ways that we put together custom for Petra here at the shop. We have done another one for her too that she will be knitting at the Purl Piccadilly knit along. I will try to get photos of that one too.

Here are a few things that Roisin is working on right now. First this is a hat that she saw here in the shop. A customer from Vancouver was wearing it and Roisin really love how it looked and how the ribbing looked and the way the decreases were done. She thought it just looked like a really great simple, strait forward no frills hat with a brim you could turn up. So she hunted down the pattern on Ravelry and she's giving it a test drive!

Here is another one of Roisin's projects, it's a baby surprise jacket that she is just getting down to the knitty gritty of sewing all the ends in, slowly, but surely. We all hates sewing the ends in! We hates it!
Ok last but not least this is the third project of Roisins that I have to show you today. It's a pair of thick work socks that she is knitting for James. This is eight ply sock yarn for doing thicker warmer socks. It's wool. I've often looked at it and thought it would be an interesting knit. You can see here that she is knitting a bulky yarn on tiny needles. This makes a thicker denser sock fabric. Good for inside work boots.

Here is an interesting project for you to look at. This is Heather's grey wool buttcuff/skirt in linen stitch. It is coming along beautifully. Look at how subtle the patternation is? We were talking about that and people were saying it looks medival and you could imagine a medieval cloak made out of this wool in this stitch. Like something from Outlander was what everyone was saying. Very cool. It's knit out of Galway Worsted yarn.

We have a new knitter today at GBOW! We LOVE newbies! Her name is Jaquline. I hope I spelled her name right! Those are her hands pictured below showing me her new hat that she is working on. And she had some questions about a Vintage wool sweater for her hubby that she is giving new life to. But her goal is to learn to knit cables! I think we will be seeing lots more of her gorgeous knitting in the future.

Well that about does it for today! I hope you all enjoyed your lil dose of yarny blogging. Now off to knit some more yarn into lovely soft warm fluffy goodness.
Hope to see you soon.
Do bring your knitting wonders by for show and tell!
I will put you on the Blog!!!
Until then...
💓Happy Knitting💓

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