Thursday, 16 August 2018

Machine Cones

 Look at these babies! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
 Are they not gorgeous??? Machine knitters cones or weavers cones. Gorgeous colors. 100% wool form Germany. Deluxe stuff.
 And look at the colors! I personally am diggin the oranges, pinks and purples. But that moss green is super sweet too. You should drop by and squeeze them. You will love the feel of it. Very soft.

In other news here is a picture of Patti knitting Roisin's Savory Island Clammer original design. Lovely colors out of soft cotton. A very nice summer top.
 Here she is wearing it! It's not that difficult a knit if you think you might like to try it. You can come in and pick out your yarn that you want to knit it with and then Roisin will walk you through it if you have any difficulties. Doesn't Patti look splendid? I love this design. Very cool and so pretty.
 Next we have a picture of my progress on my second Wilingdon Beach sweater. It is starting to really take shape now. I just separated for the sleeves. I am super enjoying this pattern. I made a mistake though and had to rip it back a bit. Roisin had to help me pick up the stitches. So far that has happened on both of my attempts to navigate this pattern. I am new to knitting from patterns. This is my first ever sweater pattern. I'd like to make it a couple more times I think. I am learning so much.
I am crazy about the colors in this sweater! And it feels amazing. So soft. The Alpaca is slightly slippery and the mohair is kinda fuzzy. It's been challenging to knit with two such fine yarns. Also the mohair is kinda sticky/felty so ripping out is dangerous. Making sure I have always got two strands means I have to pay more attention. But all in all I would say it has been a pretty easy project. I am almost done all the tricky bits. All I have left to do is the cable cast on stitches under the arms. then come back around and pick them up. Then is just knit, knit, knit, all the way down the body and I am done! I don't think I will be putting on caplet sleeves. It depends what I think when I try it on. I will keep you posted!

I hope everyone is enjoying their lovely hot weather and swimming lots and lots while the sun shines. Goodness knows that soon the rains will start and we will be moaning about the grey rainy days! That is part of being a Canadian I think... moaning about the weather! No matter what the weather might be.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

September is almost here then it's officially "Knitting Season" πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
We all look forward to seeing you here!
Come drop by even if it's just to chat😘
Hope to see you soon...
until then...
πŸ’—Happy KnittingπŸ’—

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