Thursday 21 August 2014

Some GBOW Love

Well, it's been a while since we posted any pics, hasn't it? And I know that because Roisin sent me a lot, catch-up time coming up.
But first, some love for GBOW.
A nice compliment from a "new-to-Powell-River customer, and addition to the Sunday Loopy Lounge group: "You are so thoughtful and kind. Thank you Roisin for creating the cable hat pattern for me. It made me feel so special because you took the time to serve me. I am excited to be settling into a community where people like you are so welcoming and helpful. I look forward to knitting the hat..." Welcome, cable-hat person!
And a visitor from California said she'd never seen such a knitting town. "The ferries are full of knitters", she said, "and knitters and knitting are everywhere!"
Another visitor said she comes every August.  For the last two years she has bought her winter knitting project at GBOW and has been very happy with the results. This was her third year!
Yay! We love happy stories.

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