Monday 2 July 2012

Roisin's Chantal Shawl Saga

Well, here we are on the Wet Coast, enjoying a long weekend of liquid sunshine. So, perhaps you are inside, warm and dry, catching up on blog reading.  Seems like a perfect day for me to post Rosin's words and photos about the shawl she has been knitting. 

Roisin wrote:
This design came from a shawl thing that Chantal brought back from Mexico. It had been knit in Peru, and is a very simple, rustic design - however, not that simple to copy as I found out.  It took me 4 - 5 tries. Susan and Madeline and their group made a few attempts too, and finally settled on this pattern.
You can make this in so many ways with so many different yarns, needle sizes etc.  Great one to experiment with. Chantal and I (Roisin) loved the casual rustic look of the original one and that theme is present in this design as well. No fancy increasing or decreasing, deliberately casually knit. 

Chantal Shawl, with Lontue linen/cotton hand dyed yarn from Aruacania. Roisin's work in progress. Wonderful yarn to knit with, thick and thin.
This is before joining with kitchener stitch.  I've gone wonky on the pattern, too many distractions, didn't focus on shaping so we'll see what happens.

Set up for kitchener stitch grafting.  Prior to this realized I didn't have the right # of stitches. (Has to match up on both sides for grafting) so had to add 10 sts increase on stitch holder side, will change the shaping.  Oh is an adventure.

Still  a work in progress.  I'm going to crochet a couple of rows around the neck to smooth it out. Lots of yarn left so going to add another pointy bit on the weird looking side. Maybe make a skinny neck scarf too.

Right hand corner (as it faces you) is where I'm going to add a pointy bit, and smooth out the neckline.

Added pointy bit and crocheted around neck.

Different view, no, haven't sewn in ends yet.  That's too boring!


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